Thursday, May 23, 2013


Today's soda is one I have loved for a long time, a Japanese soda made by multiple companies called Ramune. While each company makes their product in a slightly different manner, the flavors are fairly similar. The taste is similar to Sprite with bubblegum steeped in it.It's very carbonated and has a very refreshing aftertaste that pretty much tastes like bubblegum. This is one of my favorite sodas and I give it a 9/10


  1. Joey, I frequently see these sodas at H Mart. I would like to try them, but there seems to be a ball in the neck of the bottle. So, can you advise a novice? Why the ball and how do you go about drinking it?

  2. Hello. OK so what happens is it should come with a plunger covered in plastic. You take off the outer plastic and take the plunger, put it on the ball and push down until you hear a pop. Then you are ready to drink.

  3. Cool Thanks! Is that how it keeps the carbonation high?
